About Us

We are a FTC robotics team in Missouri. We are located in the St. Louis Metro area and our team consists of 14 team members and 2 coaches.
Our team consists of students from Parkway and Rockwood school district.

Adithya: I'm an ninth grader who goes to Crestview Middle School. I play chess, tennis, and do robotics. I enjoy a variety of subjects in school and I love technology and STEM. This is my first year in FTC.

Aditi: I'm a 8th grader who goes to Selvidge Middle school. Currently, my main extracurricular activities are theater, robotics and marching band, where I play the flute. I enjoy reading and hanging out with my friends in my freetime, and this is my second year doing robotics.

Arjun: I'm in 9th grade at Parkway West High School. I enjoy reading books and swimming. I also like science and technology. I did FLL for three years before FTC.

Arnav A: I am an 8th Grader at Parkway Central Middle. I play tennis and I also enjoy soccer, biking, and playing games. I am also on my school Science Olympiad team.

Arnav M: I am a 8th grader, and I go to Rockwood Valley Middle School. I have a passion for tennis, and I regularly play it multiple times a week. I love playing with my friends and my favorite subject is math and science. The games that I play with my friends are usually outside, but I also play video games with them like VALORANT, Fortnite, Roblox, or Brawl Stars.

Ashvik: I'm a 14 year old freshman at Lafayette High School. Some of my favorite things to do are watch football (Go Jags!), play percussion instruments, and spend time with family. This is my first year of FTC, but I have been apart of FLL Challenge for 4 years.

Ayush: I'm an 8th grader at Selvidge Middle School in Ballwin, MO. I enjoy playing sports such as soccer and tennis as well as participating in academic events like Science Bowl and Math League competitions. I am passionate about FTC because it provides me with many opportunities to learn and discover new things. One of the things I enjoy most about FTC is connecting with the community and sharing my ideas.

Devansh: Hello! I am in 9th grade at Marquette High School. In my free time I like to read and play soccer for school.

Ishaan: I'm 14 years old and I attend Marquette high school. I like to play soccer, volleyball and other sports. I really like to eat Chipotle burritos. I like the colors red, blue, black, and white the most.

Keshav: I'm a 8th grader who goes to Parkway West Middle School. I play chess & tennis. My favorite subject at school is orchestra. I play the cello. I love playing video games and my favorite games are Minecraft, Jurassic World Alive (JWA), Fortnite, and Brawl Stars. Last year was my third year in FLL, and this will be my first year in FTC.

Mihir: I'm in 8th grade and I enjoy playing tennis and watching football. I joined FTC because I want to learn more about building robots and helping in design.

Naisha: Hi Im Naisha I am a 8th grader that goes to Selvidge Middle. I love swimming, reading and watching tv for fun. My favorite subject in school would be science and STEM. This is my second year on this Action Robotix but my third year doing robotics.

Nikhil: I am a freshman at Lafayette High School. I have been competing in robotics for 5 years in FLL and now FTC. I enjoy coding and playing tennis in my free time.

Vihaan: I'm an 9th Grader who goes to Crestview Middle. I do soccer, tennis, Robotics, National History Day, and so much more. My favorite subject is Academic Stretch. This is my first year in FLL.

Contact Us.

https://www.youtube.com/@ActionRobotix  or  actionrobotix@gmail.com